Sunday, August 27, 2006

He Lives

Manhattan Beach
Aug. 27, 2006

Retired Episcopal minister the Rev. John Jewett, 83, wanted to die, so while staying with his son-in-law, J.D. Porter, he slit his throat with a razor.

The undertaker was called, but when he arrived with his hearse, Jewett was still alive, although death was imminent. The undertaker went back to his funeral home to wait.

Later that day, the undertaker got a second call to go out to Manhattan Beach and get the body of a suicide victim. When he got there, Jewett was still alive.

“At 9:30 o’clock tonight Jewett was alive and able to talk,” The Times said. “Jewett made a bungling job in attempting to cut his throat. He is in great pain, but will survive, it is now thought.”

The Times said: “No reason is given for wanting to end his days. It is thought his mind has become temporarily impaired.”

California public records list the death of a John M. Jewett in June 1911 at the age of 87.

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