Thursday, April 27, 2006

Attacked by Mule

W.S. Stanton of N. 117½ E. First St. was attacked by a vicious mule at the California Truck Company’s stables, No. 337 Aliso St., last night and seriously injured. When he attempted to take the harness off the animal it leaped to one side and kicked him on the thigh, knocking him down. Before he could regain his feet, the mule walked over him, cutting and lacerating the calves of his legs. Stanton was treated at the Receiving Hospital and later taken to his room.

Must Go to China

Lea Shau, Wong How and Gee Tung were yesterday ordered deported to China. The trio were found to have come to America in violation of the exclusion act. The last-named of them is a man who made an unsuccessful attempt to eat some papers written in Cantonese dialect. The documents are thought to be highbinders’ instructions, but owing to the fact that the writing is in a boat-dweller’s jargon they could not be read by an interpreter.

Insane Man Returns Home

Fred C. Browsell, who escaped from the Southern California Hospital for the Insane at Patton several days ago, was found at his home, No. 1254 E. 28th St., yesterday morning. Browsell suddenly appeared and began to terrorize the neighborhood. He frightened his parents and other members of the family by his antics and the police were called. When Browsell saw a patrolman, he leaped a high board fence and tried unsuccessfully to escape. He is now in the City Jail but will be sent back to Patton.

Called Wife-Beater

A.A. Allen, who is accused of brutally beating his wife, will have an opportunity to plead this morning. He was arraigned yesterday before Justice Frederickson and charged with battery. Allen is said to have threatened the life of his wife, flourishing a razor and firing a shot from a revolver. He declared yesterday that he is unable to recollect anything that happened at his home, No. 1301 W. 25th St., Thursday night.

“I must have been drunk, judge,” said Allen, “when all this happened that the officers accuse me of. I certainly can’t remember of having fired a pistol or brandished a razor.”

Allen is an organizer of the Grand Fraternity, a local lodge.

* * *

Twenty-seven teamsters were fined in the Police Court yesterday because of violations of hitching ordinances.

Quote of the day:

“Statistics show that a divorce is granted every three minutes in this country. How long will it be, at that rate, until we are all divorced?”

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